Minor Prophets (Adults)

Zechariah Chapters 11 and 12

Lesson written by Kevin Johnson

Chapter 11

1. Describe the scene that is set in the first three verses of chapter 11.

2.  What does God say about the flock in verses 4 and 5?

3.  What does God say He will do with the inhabitants of the land?

4.  What were the names of Zechariah’s staffs?  What significance did this have?

5.  What was done with the first staff in verse 10?  What did that signify?

6.  What was the significance of the thirty pieces of silver in verse 11-12?

7. What was done with the second staff in verse 12?  What did that signify?

8. Describe the foolish and worthless shepherd from verses 15-17.

Chapter 12

1.  In verses 2 and 3, what did God say He would make Jerusalem to all the surrounding peoples?

2.  What would He do to their horses?

3.  What would happen to the governors of Judah?

4. What would God do for the inhabitants of Jerusalem? To her attackers?

5. For whom would they mourn? In what fashion?